The Emergence of the Solar Feminine

Creative. Passionate. Receptive. Focused. Pulsating with power.
Glowing with good health. Radiant with self-confidence.

Venus-and-SunVenus transited the Sun early in June 2012, signifying the rise of a new feminine archetype: the Solar Feminine.

In recent history, the feminine has been associated with the moon, that heavenly body which does not shine its own light, but reflects the light of the sun (associated with the masculine). This is an interesting analogy of the role that women have played for the past couple thousand years… that of being the reflectors of the shining solar masculine; sometimes in their shadow, but not emitting their own light. I’m not playing the feminist card here or making judgments. I’m simply calling what I’m seeing and feeling. This does not feel to me like the feminine coming into unbalanced power-over. It feels like the masculine and feminine coming into a time of harmony and balance. Equality isn’t even really the right concept, because there are different but complementary gifts that each bring to the mix.

Orange roseThe lovely paradox here (and I love paradoxes), is that as women step into empowerment, we must learn to embody the power of our YIN: the ability to receive; to ask for what we want; to understand our innate power to magnetize all that we desire without needing to chase, quest, and conquer. We get to learn how to recline on the velvet chaise to balance out those power meetings with our teams and hours of intense output. It doesn’t matter if it’s taking care of the house and kids, hours on the phone with clients, planted at the computer desk, or bending over a massage table. Whatever form the giving of our gifts to the world takes must be offset with rest, recreation, fun, and play.

Amrita GraceI’ve been on a parallel path with the emergence of the Solar Feminine. Her life story and mine are intertwined. What it has taken for me to learn how to recline on the velvet chaise has been no small feat… and I’m still learning. For me, and in the feminine collective, it’s been a journey of intense internal shadow excavation, leaving behind the old programs of care-taking, control-freaking, shutting up, and all manner of unhealed, compounded wounding we’ve carried through untold generations. I often feel my ancestresses cheering from beyond the veil as I ride the leading edge on the back of a tiger, slashing with my sword through old paradigms of feminine victim-hood, martyrdom, and sexual abuse and repression.

Amrita & Apollo GraceYes, indeed. I GET to be a change agent, a catalyst, a cauldron stirrer, a crucible. And I get to be all of that from a soft, feminine place, living in harmony with the masculine. I get to embody wholeness and be a living example of what’s possible when a woman is willing to face her demons and then hug them and welcome them home. And as of this brand new year of 2013, I DECLARE that I get to weave my life and work and play and marriage together into a rich, gorgeous, colorful, beautiful tapestry that depicts harmonious scenes of a well-lived life. And, as a beautiful bonus, I have the incredible privilege of being able to share this path to wholeness with those who are seeing me and saying, “I’ll have what she’s having!”

The Solar Feminine is rising in the East, the direction of new beginnings, of sunrise, of Spring, of youth, of playfulness, and the color of orange. She is ready to meet the shining masculine in all his powerful glory, bringing a spirit of collaboration, compassion, and creativity. Can I hear a hallelujah?

Blessed be, Amrita  

Posted in Sacred Feminine, The Solar Feminine, Wholeness | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

The Renewal of Yule in 2012

Yule, or Winter Solstice, is a high holy day that predates Christmas by thousands of years. It’s one I’ve recognized and celebrated for more than a decade. Because of the nature of the Mayan calendar focus on 12/21/12, Yule has come to the forefront this year as a most sacred of holy days. I’m quite tickled about that, and feel inspired to elaborate on some of the mythology of Yule.

Yule Goddess Leotti 08

Artwork by J.M. Leotti

What I am most familiar with is the God and Goddess story, which illustrates the circle of death and rebirth intertwined with the wheel of the year. At the Winter Solstice, the Sun God (the light returning)  is born of the Goddess. It’s likely this helped fuel the Christian myth of the son of God being born at this time. The Sun God grows and is a small boy at the time of Imbolc (February 2nd). He continues to mature through the Spring Equinox, and by Beltane (May 1), he is in his prime. He mates with the Goddess at this time of the rising sap and riotous blossoming in nature, and then reaches his peak of power at the Summer Solstice (strongest light). From there, he begins his decline through the harvest festivals of Lammas (Aug 1, Autumnal Equinox, and Samhain (Halloween). During the harvest time, symbolic sacrifices might be made to return his energy to fertilize the earth (ie, burning a straw man, or effigy). During his decline, the Goddess rises in her power, as ruler of the dark time of the year, the feminine, the womb, and the time of hibernation. And that takes us back to Winter Solstice, when the Sun God is reborn.

moon triple goddess

Triple Goddess
Google Images

This Yule has a specific sequence of magical numbers that make it special as well… 12/21/12 translates to 3/3/3, which is sacred to the Goddess. This relates to the Triple Goddess, maiden, mother, and crone (wise woman). Same with 12/12/12. I’ve been pondering the most appropriate ways that I might immerse myself in the energy of this time, and I love what my dear friend Dr. Deb Kern shared on her blog. I’m going to post it below as she wrote it, and I’ll likely be following most of her suggestions.

I sometimes think that the ancient Mayans had a sense of humor about all this… perhaps they gathered in circle around a fire to talk about the future and the calendar. Let’s assume they had advanced knowledge of the Law of Attraction and the concept of critical mass. I imagine them talking about it like this (envision with me, if you will, the elders having this conversation):


Mayan pottery depicting a religious ceremony

Listen people, I’ve received a vision that people of the future are going to overpopulate the earth and overuse her resources, so how can we help them  understand that they are headed for disaster if they stay on that path? Hmmm, how about if we make the calendar end on the sacred date of 12/21/12? Great idea, I see where you are going with this… many of them will think that’s the end of the earth, but many more will perceive it as a time to shift into the next spiritual and evolutionary phase… so they’ll create that all on their own with a critical mass! Excellent, let’s roll with it.

My personal belief is that while the earth’s and humanity’s changes are rapidly accelerating, they are still gradual. Humans need time for their nervous systems to adjust to energetic upgrades and evolutionary shifts. The more prepared we are, the more of a shift we experience within ourselves. It’s that microcosm, macrocosm thing… as within, so without. More and more, I believe the changes are internal, and that’s ultimately what impacts the collective experience. So, whether you celebrate this season with others, with your beloved, or with yourself, remember that you are ALWAYS the ultimate creator of the reality you are experiencing. All of it.

With deepest blessings to you and yours as we enter the time we have been waiting for! I’m SO EXCITED! Love, Amrita

Dr. Deb Kern’s recommendations:

How to purify the body:

  1. Between now and 12/12/12, cut out sugar, wheat, dairy, alcohol, caffeine, artificial sweeteners and processed foods. Drink lots of water and ginger tea. I will be eating kitchari. If you’d like to join me, just click here to learn how to make it.
  2. From 12/12/12/ – 12/21/12 do a juice or raw foods cleanse. I have been intimidated by this kind of cleanse in the past, but I feel very confident because I’ll be following the “Jump Start Cleanse” created by Krystalle and Artemis Keszainn, creators of the “Cleanse ATX.” Their 10 Day Jump Start Cleanse is available online as a virtual program with DVDs and e-books to guide you. What I love about it is that they have different levels of cleansing available. So if juicing is too big of a challenge, you can choose to use raw foods. Just click here for the “Jump Start Cleanse” (not the New Year’s cleanse because you will have to wait until January for that one).

How to purify the mind:

  1. Cut WAY BACK on the amount of computer, TV, radio, newspaper, idle chat.
  2. Add more yoga, dance, meditation, prayer, quiet time in nature.
  3. On 12/12/12 set aside time to reflect on any areas in your life (habits, thoughts, relationships, jobs, material possessions, debt, food, addictions, etc) that are blocking you from living your BEST life. Write those down on paper. Then reflect on all of your gratitudes and write them down on a second piece of paper. Finally, reflect on your hopes, dreams and desires for yourself, your family, your friends and the entire world. Write those down on a third piece of paper.
  4. On 12/21/12 (Winter Solstice) build a fire or put a candle in the bottom of a large metal container and burn the papers. Whatever your tradition is, pray as the fire metaphorically transmutes the blockages and magnifies the power of your gratitudes, hopes, dreams and desires. I chant as I burn the papers and I end with the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic .

Do whatever feeds your soul!

Posted in Death & Rebirth, High Holy Days, Sacred Feminine | Tagged , , , | 9 Comments

Delightedly Descending Into Dark

In previous centuries, before the advent of electric light, winter was a time of rest, relaxation, and hibernation. These were times when people depended upon a good harvest of their crops to make it through the cold season, and there were no grocery stores around the corner to stock up on food supplies. There was not a whole lot to do on the short, cold winter days, once the harvest was in, except to read or work on handicrafts by the fire. There was a natural alignment with the seasonal rhythms, an alignment that I am keenly aware of in this 21st century.

Even living in the tropics, I am deeply tuned in to the earth’s seasons and rhythms. About this time each year, I rebel against the escalation and craziness of the Christmas holiday season. What I want more than anything is to dive deeply into the dark, quiet peace of the winter solstice, go within, and hibernate like the wild, furry mammals of other species. It’s no easy task in these times, to disengage from the bright lights, the parties, the shopping frenzies, and the loud and raucous celebrations that welcome the new year… but somehow, I do. It helps to live on Maui, where Christmas is pretty mellow and low-key. I can’t imagine living in a city during this time of year, although I have in the past.

I know, you probably think I’m a Grinch or maybe just a party-pooper. I admit that I cringe at the thought of Christmas shopping and receiving gifts I don’t really want; at tacky tinsel in colors I’m not fond of; of all those irresistible sugary treats appearing at once; of spoiled children whining for MORE PRESENTS; and of stressed out people over-extending credit card balances. I also admit to having a favorite Christmas song, to loving the smell of evergreen fir boughs, to enjoying light displays on homes, to appreciating the deep peace of the high holy day itself, and to acknowledging the birth of the Christ Consciousness in its pure, un-religious, energetic form. The gifts I want to give and receive are quality time and presence with people I love, quality time with myself and my inner being, small gatherings of friends to catch up on each other’s lives… no credit card bills necessary. I want to get quiet enough to feel my own heart beat and I want deep connection with my beloved, at a time when work and the internet can be set aside for a few days and the whole world feels blanketed in peace.

I don’t begrudge those who celebrate the holidays in whatever way they like to. I simply choose, most years, not to engage. I’m more than happy and willing to make the occasional exception, such as a Christmas with my in-laws in the upper mid-west. I’ll be due for that in 2013 and I’ll enjoy it for what it is. But for this year, after the kind of year I’ve had, filled with underpaid overwork, extreme stress, and a magnificent, monumental, successful effort to bring Divine Feminine Institute to a close gracefully, I will descend delightedly into the dark in the way of my ancestors of long ago. I will rest, recover, and repose. As I emerge into 2013, having shed the skin of the past 7 years, I’ll be refreshed and ready for what’s next. And what’s next promises to be amazing and magical.

Happy holidays, whatever your fancy.

Love & blessings, Amrita

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The Deciduous Dance of Death and Rebirth

As we head toward the dark half of the year, I ponder death and rebirth; that which cycles on the earth, and that which is cycling in my own life. This particular time of year is special to me, being my birth time (October 30); this year in particular, as I turn 50. I’ve know for decades that I would turn 50 in 2012, and it’s proven to be an interesting time. As I reflect on the past year, I feel so much gratitude for all the abundance around me: my beloved husband and teaching partner; my sweet home on the slopes of Haleakala crater; the opportunity to live my passion and purpose; incredible health and fitness; not to mention the loss of 35 lbs of excess weight in the past year and a half.

I’m also really grateful for the hard, painful stuff. I see it as a tempering process, a polishing of my inner diamond so that it shines with ever more clarity. I’ve moved through massive amounts of internal shadow material this year, and gotten really clear about how I want to go forward with my work. That process alone has been quite challenging and has fundamentally changed my connections with several people I have been close to over the past several years. As I step into my full power and sovereignty and the need for approval drops away, I claim even more of my core essence to bring forth for the greater good. And that circles me right back into gratitude for all the gifts, the sweet ones and the “growth opportunities.”

I have been so deeply served by my time with Divine Feminine Institute these past 7+ years. I would not be where I am now without the training, the practices, the teachings, and the experiences of pulling myself up the side of the mountain, from student to administrator to facilitator. Having received these gifts and combined them with my own, something new has emerged that is purely and perfectly mine. As Divine Feminine winds to a close by the end of 2012, Reclaiming Aphrodite will continue to arise and be expressed more and more fully. I will always appreciate my lineages, my teachers, and those who have modeled expansive possibilities to me and held a space for me to transform myself from sexually wounded to sexually empowered and whole.

Deciduous means the dropping of a part that is no longer needed, or falling away after its purpose is finished. It’s such a perfect example of the constancy of change. Completing with Divine Feminine has been one of the hardest as well as one of the easiest things I have ever done; and yet it has shown itself to be complete in its cycle and ready to die, perhaps to be reborn in a new form down the road… with someone else at the helm.

There is a time to live, and a time to die. A time to hold on and a time to let go. The divine perfection is in being able to distinguish between those times, and to embrace the changes with grace, courage, and fearlessness, grieving the losses and celebrating the gains. More than forty of us will gather in early November 2012 at Haramara Retreat in Sayulita, Mexico, for Divine Feminine’s final week-long retreat, Spirit & Shadow. It promises to be the best of the best, as we give it our all and embrace all the sadness, celebration, relief, disappointment, and, no doubt, shock that this body of work is ending in its current form. What I know for sure is that the Divine Feminine never dies, She just changes shape and and dances into new form. Sometimes we just have to let the old structures go and see what arises in their place. We’ll be sending Her off in style.

Love & blessings, Amrita

Posted in Death & Rebirth, Gratitude, Sacred Feminine, Shadow | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

The Emerging Aphrodite

I’m on the verge of culminating the work of a lifetime as I prepare to debut Reclaiming Aphrodite in Boulder in a week’s time. The journey to here has been amazing, and I’m so grateful for the gifts I have received along the way as I prepare to give my own in full measure. There’s so much I have integrated, especially this past few months, to prepare me for this next level of service. Today’s inner journey was no exception.

Again, my friend Lisa held the space on the phone as I stated my intention to journey inside and receive any information or guidance about going forward with Reclaiming Aphrodite. I thought I would revisit the place from the last journey where I received an invitation into a portal into the lower world. I went there, but was instead take up to the upper world… and once again, the rich imagery unfolded. There in the upper world, I met a crone on a throne, who went straight to my heart and had me lie down and began to do energy work with me.

The crone continued to work with me, and I notice a figure bringing hand to my lower chakras. Before I could tell who it was, I felt hands blessings my yoni, inside and out. It was Mother Mary and Mary Magdelene, who were one and the same. Jesus also was present, and I was shown that he is part of me, the part that lives calmly from love and compassion. Snake also appeared, and showed me how to move my energy up from my lower chakras to my throat, and eventually up to my crown. I was told that all the work is done, that’s it’s safe to live from my heart, and I can simply speak now and trust that the words will come.

I know that my next big breakthrough is trusting that I can speak without a script or outline, that I will say all that needs to be said, and that the energetic transmission will fill out the information. When I speak from my heart, I will communicate everything perfectly.

When I opened my eyes, the colors around me were so bright! I was in a very altered state, fully immersed in the present moment. I felt deeply calm and yet lusciously alive. Tears poured down my face as I realized the incredible power and magnitude of what had just transpired.

What I realize is that Aphrodite is much more than the Goddess of Love. She is All Women. She is Mother, Sister, Lover, Daughter, Crone, Queen. She is wholeness. It is this emerging Aphrodite that I bring forth in my life’s work. May She bless the world through me, and with me.

Reclaiming Aphrodite will debut in Boulder October 18-21. The next workshop will be in Maui March 1-3. I expect that 2013 will be a magical year as I continue to find impeccable alignment with my soul’s purpose.

Blessed be, Amrita

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Maiden, Mother, and Queen

First, I want to acknowledge the value of having a friend who can hold a powerful space for me in which I can do my own work in the context of a session. It takes courage to be silent with someone on the phone and trust that they are having their own experience whether they are speaking about it or not. I know, because I’ve been on the holding space end of it before, many times. There is a tendency to want to make something happen so that I know I am being effective in my guidance. So often, it’s just not necessary to do anything but be present.

In my previous post, I mentioned my friend Lisa, with whom I trade phone sessions each week.  It was two weeks ago that I had the big session where Queen Radiant Ease emerged (see previous post). I knew there was more work to do, because I was feeling confused and restless as well as experiencing depression-like symptoms. As the session began, I started speaking about all of this, and once again, I was taken into a brand new inner reality.

In my inner vision, there was a pond and lots of fall colors with leaves scattered on the ground and the surface of the pond. There was a log in the pond, and I was immediately shown a little girl (my own inner child) standing on the log and spinning it, barely keeping her balance. She communicated without words, “This is what you have been doing.” I breathed into that revelation. Then she let me know, “It’s okay to let go and fall in.” And she did just that. I thought she would be cold, but she came up smiling and laughing. As she climbed out of the water, I wrapped a towel around her and we sat on a blanket under the trees. There was a picnic basket, and she wanted hot chocolate. With whipped cream.

I’ve done a great deal of inner child work, with myself and with others, and written about it extensively in my book. This was a whole new experience. Little Kim (my childhood name) was older than I’ve ever seen her before, around 10. There was no energy of wounding around her at all. This was my COMPLETELY HEALED (or perhaps totally unwounded) little girl. Her hair was white blond and shiny, her smile and her manner easy, and her energy playful and light. At some point, she placed her own hands on herself, heart and yoni, to show me that she was comfortable with her own body. I was amazed.

At this time, I chose to invite a friend with whom I have unhealed issues to come into the space, and she came and sat down on the blanket with us. I had some things I wanted to say to her, to help clear and heal the energy between us. I had been feeling quite heavy-hearted about what was incomplete in the space between us, and I decided that I did not want to wait for her, I did not want to depend on something outside of myself to feel better.

I asked if her little girl would like to come out, and a girl of about 10 emerged from her and took off to play with Little Kim. They seemed very glad to see each other. The adult version of her did not speak, but her shape changed into the Venus of Willendorf shape, with large breasts and thighs and no clearly defined head. She was still as a statue and about the same color. I spoke to her about my love and respect for her, and my gratitude to her for all of our time together, and I acknowledged that we are always connected through our little girls as well as through our higher Goddess selves, even when our human selves are acting from their pain bodies. I completed with her, and invited her little girl to merge with her again. The little girls were saying goodbye, sad to part. They played a game of patty cake where they put their hands on each other’s hearts. During this part of the vision, as I spoke it out lout, I made that motion with my own hand. As I hit my heart center a little too hard, I felt how tender my heart is right now after being somewhat armored over the past year or so.

I saw her three parts, maiden, mother, and queen or goddess, and it showed me that this is the gift I was being shown right now… my maiden Little Kim, free of her wounding; my current human self, in a mother phase of giving birth to Reclaiming Aphrodite workshops; and my goddess self, Queen Radiant Ease. I’m sure there’s a crone in there somewhere, but it’s not quite her time yet.

Her little girl merged with the Venus, and they dissolved into the earth. I placed my hands on the earth in blessings and goodbye. I turned to Little Kim, and she invited me to lie down. She placed her hands on me, taking the healer role. She told me (again, not with words) that she can show me how to be easy and playful with responsibility, a how to have fun with wisdom.

She showed me the log again, and how to fall off the spinning log. I surrendered into taking a turn, and after a moment of spinning, I allowed myself to fall into the water. I thought it would be cold, but it was not. It was welcoming and comfortable. I realized that this pond is a portal, a place to journey deeper from. There is an invitation to return and dive deeper into other dimensions that this portal leads to. I don’t know what they are yet, but I’m excited to find out. Little Kim reminded me that when I was little, I thought I could breathe underwater. She said I still can, in this place.

Now, I feel as though I have a foot in each of two worlds. One part of me still resides in the old paradigm, where I am a pessimist, I easily take a martyr stance, and everything is black and white. And at times, I feel the gratitude, my feelings right on the surface, sometimes joy and sometimes sadness. I never know where I’m going to find myself, and when I’m in the old place, I can witness it… but can’t quite shift it yet. It’s a very deep process of integration and releasing what no longer works. I’m thankful for people around me who can reflect with love and compassion what they are seeing, knowing that I am doing my work, patient and understanding. I have full faith in the process, and trust that the old pieces will fall away as my denser physical body integrates the cellular changes and the new neural pathways that are being forged.

I have declared my intention to teach women about the power of emptiness as part of the feminine. I also know that I cannot and will not teach anything that I am not fully embodying. I know that I am being prepared in all ways to bring my particular mission and soul’s expression to the world. I am ready for whatever is next.

Blessed Be, Amrita

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The Brighter the Light, the Deeper the Shadow

In Jungian psychology, the shadow is defined as “everything of which a person is not fully conscious;” in other words, that which we cannot see in ourselves. It is also prone to projection: turning a personal inferiority into a perceived moral deficiency in someone else. I’ve recently traversed the full territory of my own biggest shadow, the one that’s been running my life since childhood, the one that I’ve been grappling with for years without full resolution. Until now.

I’m in a period of deep integration now, having just this week made a huge connection of the dots after having a complete and total meltdown which, much to my dismay, was quite public and impacted many people. I am humbled and have experienced a fair amount of shame, and yet I am also quite compassionate with myself, knowing that I’m having one of the most transformative kinds of human experiences short of extreme illness or the death of a loved one.

I owe a huge debt of gratitude to those who have supported me, held space for me, and trusted me to do what needed to be done to come out the other side. I know that I was on the verge of losing one or two dear friends, and almost certainly have lost another. I’ve paid dearly for my experience of transformation, and the consequences are still reverberating. I am grieving and celebrating at the same time, and slowly, my tender and vulnerable heart is peeking out into the light.

So many of us have witnessed the intensity of this year of 2012, the structures collapsing, that which does not serve us being violently torn away at times. My year has been no exception. I began to work in true earnestness on this particular shadow piece, which I refer to as “rigid control,” in June of 2011 in a Shadow Work® process facilitated by the founder of Shadow Work®, Cliff Barry, along his wife Vicki Woodard and Joe & Julie Mandarino in Fairfield, Iowa. What emerged was “Get Shit Done Girl (GSD Girl),” a very old aspect of me that had been protecting me since childhood from an unsafe and traumatic environment by working really hard, proving herself to be “good” to the point of perfection, and needing to be acknowledged and approved of at every turn. It was a very big first step, and the beginning of what is culminating now.

With GSD Girl now in my conscious mind, I could feel what it felt like when she was running the show. I could recognize her, but she was still in charge. Then December came, and a very stressful situation presented itself in that the Director of Divine Feminine Institute stepped down very suddenly, and I took over her job along with my own Director of Education position.  GSD Girl came roaring to the surface under great duress,  and she drove me with one-pointed focus to single-handedly grab the responsibility of taking on two full-time jobs. I was driven non-stop, pulling a huge load of baggage behind me, not very happy or peaceful, but by goddess getting the job done at all costs.

Back in Fairfield, Iowa again this past May, I had the opportunity to take a Shadow Work® weekend with Joe & Julie Mandarino, Certified Shadow Work Instructors, and do another full SW process (a different one this time). It was the next layer, one where the following words emerged (in the altered state of the process) from me to my youngest self:

You are so precious. You deserve everything. There is nothing I would rather do than take care of you now. I will always be here. I adore you. I love you. You deserve a life of beauty and enjoyment and balance. You can trust the support that is all around you. You don’t have to do it all. You are just as loveable at rest as you are when you are productive-maybe more so. You can trust yourself-trust that part that wants to relax and be guided towards beauty and enjoyment. Allow that part to guide you.

Shortly after that trip, I had a week-long training to facilitate in Calistoga. This was the last push before I could finally take a break… and ultimately, it became the last push, period. Hopefully ever. I was in the midst of it… my shadow playing out full on, and I could see it to some degree, but could not do a darn thing about it. It was riding me, and playing me hard. I was doing my best to rigidly control everything and everyone around me, even though I was supposed to be the one holding the space for the participants. I was horrible to be around most of the time. I was able to do my job reasonably well, but it was not a very happy or satisfying undertaking.

Afterward, my commitment to myself was to clean up the loose ends from the workshop, then finally take a break after 6 months of full output. I was ready to really implement a new way of being for the first time. I used an astrological marker on my chart as a jumping off point… on July 19th, my North Node and Sagittarius moon were conjunct, marking a soul retrieval of my Sag moon, my vision quest Amazon truth seeker. My promise to myself was to not push into anything, but to allow inspiration to motivate me (or not). I had played with this a little previously, and was starting to get a feel of it in my body. On that day, I set all the work aside, and rested. I ended up on the couch for a week reading a book. I could barely move. One morning, after 9 hours of sleep, I went back to bed at 9am for 2 hours.

The full aftermath was yet to come. I was agitated about one of my projections that I had fabricated in the depths of the shadow journey. I requested a clearing with someone that I thought had broken an agreement during the workshop, and agreement that was important to me. That busted open the first round of the consequences, and luckily, my dear friends were able to walk through that fire with me. We did clear it all out, and it had been building for more than a year anyway… it was long overdue. I was starting to get my shadow mirrored to me so I could begin to see it more clearly; a little at a time, but with great intensity.

As I got clear of that, I was starting to witness big changes in myself. Already I had delegated significant portions of the work to be done for the next workshop in November, a huge step for me, but one that came quite easily. What a relief. As inspiration moved me, I began to feel an internal expansion of my own frequency of my passion and my soul’s work coming forth in full bloom. It began to explode out of me. I revamped my entire website, every page. I did a major edit on my book and created a second edition, adding a story about finding my beloved; updating the content, infusing it with new photos and energy, publishing both the printed version and formatting it for Kindle. None of this was planned, it just happened. It feels joyful, and easy, and very congruent. I feel another book gestating inside me.

Then the next wave hit just this last week. Again, my agitation and projections provoked a challenging conversation with someone dear to me who had received the big dose of my shadow self at the last workshop. It was the impetus to finally connect the dots. This was not about anyone but me and my stuff. What emerged from that, within 48 hours, is what feels like a final piece falling into place.

As I reflected on the conversation mentioned in the last paragraph, I felt shame, and lots of it. That was a big clue. I felt ashamed of how I had acted at the workshop, but there was more there… it was much deeper. There was something significant here for me. What kept coming up was I did my very best and received only criticism for it. Something was wrong with that picture.

I had an opportunity this week to have my dearest girlfriend hold space for me on the phone, as we trade phone sessions each week. I wanted to explore this: the shame, the “did my best” story, and whatever else I could extract. I gave her the backstory and as I felt into the shame, things started to pop. We took a look at GSD Girl. Yeah, she served a purpose, but it was not serving me any longer. What to do with her? Could she be reassigned? What about this flimsy “did my best” story? Ahhhhh, a need for approval that was insatiable! All connected. I asked for Lisa’s hit on what GSD Girl might be able to do next that would be in service to both GSD Girl and me. She had an intuition about providing some kind of safety. That was all I needed, and the imagery started to flow. What emerged was a being, taller than me, who stood behind me with her arms encircling me but not all the way, leaving the front of my body open and exposed. She is strong, powerful, protective, but in a soft but fierce maternal sort of way. She has my back, but is not leading me. She is not closing off my heart with a death grip, but instead, loosely offering the circle of her arms in support without actually touching me. I suddenly remembered an Akashic Records reading I had with a friend over a year ago. There was a name that came through, a name that was just right for the former GSD Girl. I dug it up quick from a pile of papers. It was Radiant Ease.

Queen Radiant Ease

As I continued to feel into this new energy, I realized that this is nothing short of my queen emerging. The Queen of Radiant Ease. Powerful but poised, she has no need for anyone’s approval or to be in control of anything. She is so viscerally with me now, that as soon as I hung up the phone, I made her in clay. In my mind, she is terra cotta in color, like a Southwestern painting of an Native woman in outline. I feel her behind me all the time now and can call on her anytime.

After the call, like instant karma, my husband Apollo immediately came forth with a shadow piece of his own that he had projected on me. We worked it through quickly. As I returned to my computer, the aftermath continued. Two emails from one of my dearest friends, raking me over the coals. On some level, totally deserved. On another, accusations of many things that were not true, and I chose not to take them on. I apologized for what was mine, handed back what was not. I surrender to whatever consequences there will be. This is the grieving part.

Overlaid on all of this, a third and final round of the HGC weight loss protocol. My body has morphed again, not from the loss of weight (less than 10 lbs), but from the shedding of a gigantic layer of over-responsibility, workaholism, and the weight of heavy baggage dragged through the decades. I know I will be tested, over and over. And, I know that I am free. I know in part because my jaw, with its lifelong clench and tension, has started to ease for the first time in my life. It’s been clamped down as long as I can remember, and I’ve been baffled about what was causing it. Now I fully understand that it was not about speaking my truth, or opening my 5th chakra, or whatever other psychobabble, it was about rigid control and clenching down on myself. It will provide me with a physical indicator, an immediate feedback loop, and I will heed it.

Jung also believed that “in spite of its function as a reservoir for human darkness—or perhaps because of this—the shadow is the seat of creativity.” I can believe it.

I have offered my most sincere apologies to those who experienced the last gasp of GSD Girl’s ugly side at close hand, as she must have known it was her final opportunity to act out before losing her lifelong job. She did it up good, as only a strong, powerful Scorpio/Pele woman can. It was a testament to thier love for me that they stood by me with compassion and tolerance as I thrashed around so unconsciously.

In a little over two month’s time, I will step into the portal of my 50th birthday. I remember back to turning 40, and it being another very transformative time, as I left my marriage of 14 years to continue on my path of healing and recovery on my own. Within 3 years of that, I found my way to Divine Feminine Institute. And the rest, as they say, is history. Cycles begin and end, rise and fall, peak and subside… as in all of this human life.

With profound love and deepest gratitude and blessings, Amrita

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What is Sexual Wholeness?

Sexual wholeness is much more than a concept for me. Having taken an arduous journey from sexually damaged to sexually whole, it’s become my reality, my passion, my wisdom, and my teaching. I’m so grateful to embody this state of wholeness, so that I may be an example of what is possible.

Wholeness is defined as an undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting. Because our sexual energy is the life force that creates us and animates us in our bodies, I believe sexual wholeness encompasses all of who we are. When we free our sexual energy and use it to feed all aspects of our lives, we gain full access to our aliveness, our passion, our joy, and an endless stream of creative energy.

I’ll be exploring these five keys in greater depth in my FREE teleseminar The 5 Keys to Sexual Wholeness as well as my upcoming Reclaiming Aphrodite® workshops in Boulder and Maui.

 The 5 Keys to Sexual Wholeness

 1. Access and clear sexual wounding and shame

First, you must clear out what no longer serves you. Old patterns, stuck emotions, and past wounding stay lodged in your body until you find ways to consciously access and move them out. As you clear out the backlog, you create an internal spaciousness that is fertile ground for new creation.

2. Become aware of your energy body
Tuning in to the more subtle aspects of your existence will open up a whole new realm of sensation and sensitivity to your internal reality. As you become aware of your energy, you create the opportunity to address and clear patterns, emotions, and stuck energy as they arise rather than unconsciously storing them.

3. Engage consciously with your energy

Learning to manage the energy you are becoming attuned to is important, so that you can keep it flowing and moving inside you. Practices like “grounding” and “circulating” will upgrade your energy system, enabling you to generate more more physical and mental energy.

4. Express yourself with integrity 

As you gain mastery with your internal practices, external expression will naturally follow. The unconstrained expression of sexual life force energy can be overwhelming and even damaging to others, and it’s imperative to bring integrity and consciousness to it.

5. Practice, practice, practice

Sexual wholeness is an ongoing practice rather than a static achievement. Gaining and using practices over a lifetime will ensure an ongoing refinement of your natural state of harmony and balance.

This is my first introduction of this material. As I continue to bring these simple but profound teachings into their full existence, they will be refined and expanded upon over time.

I value your comments and input  below if you care to share!

With gratitude, love, & blessings, Amrita

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Sexual Healing Begins with Accessing Emotions

I have been through my own arduous journey of sexual healing, and now my passion is to assist you on yours. Having made a full recovery from childhood sexual abuse and adult sexual addiction, my life’s work is now helping others free themselves from sexual wounding. While I acknowledge that the journey is never really over, I know that I have fully reclaimed my self esteem and have a beautiful, joyful life full of love. I want that for you, too.

Sexual healing begins with accessing and releasing the emotions stored in the body. As you allow the layers to emerge, information and guidance will be revealed to you that will show you your own personal path to full recovery. Next time you feel a strong emotion emerging, follow this formula to accelerate your process:

The Three Key Ingredients in Accessing Emotions

1. Breath – breathing deeply, especially when you feel difficult emotions, helps allow those emotions to surface, be felt, and then be released. The natural reaction to difficult emotions is to contract, which has the effect of making the breath shallow, effectively keeping the emotion buried. Expanding into the emotion will at first seem counter-intuitive… but what you may notice is that the emotion washes over you like a wave, peaking, crashing, and receding. That layer is actually leaving your body, never to return.

2. Sound – this one may be quite challenging at first, especially if you used your invisibility superpower as a child in order to survive. Making sounds bypasses the mind and allows you access to a more primal aspect of your being. If you can give a sound to an emotion as you feel it, you can speed up and supercharge the release. Start with humming and build from there, or just open your mouth and see what comes out. Take the intensity and volume up as much as you can. Make sure you have a safe space for making sounds first.

3. Movement – were you ever allowed to have a tantrum as a child? Kids know how to move energy fast, and once they do, they are done! Dance your joy, stomp your feet with frustration,  shadow box your anger, wail and rock your head with sadness. Be safe, make sure you don’t hurt yourself or anyone else, and don’t forget to breathe.

Now, the secret to success is to combine all three. Breathe, feel, make sounds, feel, move, breathe, and feel some more. Allow it all to wind down in its own time, and then just notice how you feel in your body, in your mind, in your emotions.

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The Abundance of Unconditional Giving

A couple of nights ago, I was listening to Arjuna Ardagh interview guests on his Thrive in the New Economy conference call about the gifting economy. I felt deeply touched by the couple who is teaching free workshops and inviting people to donate if they get value. I woke up the next morning with tremendous inspiration. I have a gift to give, and I’m going to give it away for free!

This is a whole new attitude for me, and I feel that I have somehow made a leap into a new personal paradigm that engenders total trust that I will be supported economically. I have always held a standard of “exchange of value”, knowing my own value and charging for it accordingly, as well as feeling the pressure to make a living. What I now understand is that the exchange does not have to be a direct one-on-one exchange; I can give away as I feel inspired and receive from the abundant universe!

As I embrace this concept of showing up in my livelihood with what I have to offer others, I notice how different it feels from showing up with what do I need to pay the bills and feel secure; I feel free, unencumbered, light, happy, excited, and open.

From this place, I have decided to give away my book, Reclaiming Aphrodite-The Journey to Sexual Wholeness. (Update: I gave away over 1000 copies). You can find it for sale in print and kindle at Amazon.

I want to donate copies to shelters, recovery programs, and libraries. I am open to suggestions about places that might welcome the book. If you have any ideas, please email me.

I know the way I feel now is the way I want to feel about economics as we warp-speed into the coming months. I keep getting pieces here and there that this is what our future is about: abundance rather than lack; openness rather than fear; service instead of entitlement…
…and that starts right here with me.
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